INANE Involvement Over the Years

Although INANE doesn’t have an official membership list, many of the editors who are active in INANE have been participating since the very first conference, held in 1982. A number of retired editors still continue to attend the annual meeting because they want to catch up with friends and professional colleagues. And of course, new editors are always warmly welcomed to the group. This list shows editor involvement, in chronological order.

Active in INANE Editor Since Name Journal
1981 1970 Shirley Smoyak JPN
1982 1978 Peggy Chinn ANS
1986 1985 Grif Alspach Crit Care Nurs
1995 1994 Leslie Nicoll CIN
2003 2003 Judith Gedney Baggs RINAH
2004 2004 Donna Algase Res Theory Nurs Prac
2012 2012 Joy Don Baker AORN J

This table is presented to show what we plan to create. If you would like to be listed, please complete our INANE Involvement Form. Data that are collected from that form may be used to create expanded lists of editor involvement over the years. Thank you for your input and help!